Industry News

6 Minutes to Know Why Photovoltaic Cable Is Special

Published by Author: Joey May 29,2022

Solar installations in the U.S. have grown 35-fold since 2008, while the average cost of photovoltaic panels has fallen by 50% since 2014. More than 242,000 people work in the U.S. solar industry, up from 2012 more than twice as much. This case happened to China as well and today cost you 6 minutes to know the photovoltaic cable more completely.


Special electrical wire for solar photovoltaic power station
The two main materials used to make solar farm wiring are copper and aluminum. Copper is more conductive than aluminum, which means that copper-core PV wires carry more current than aluminum PV wires of the same size. Aluminum PV wire is also easier to bend and bend during installation, which weakens it faster than copper PV wire. Another challenge with aluminum PV lines is higher maintenance costs. Aluminum is more susceptible to extreme temperatures. The expansion and contraction of the metal will require a technician to periodically tighten the terminals using aluminum. The main benefit of using aluminum is that the upfront cost is cheaper than copper.



Photovoltaic wires in conductor solid and stranded form

There are two main forms of photovoltaic wires for solar power plants, solid or stranded. Solid PV wire is a single conductor, which makes it more compact while still delivering the same current as stranded PV wire. It also makes it less flexible, so it's best used in static applications. This can be a particular concern when building solar farms where photovoltaic wires may be disturbed by wind and other vibrations.

Stranded photovoltaic wires are composed of multiple conductors. This configuration makes stranded PV wire more flexible and more resistant to vibration than solid PV wire.

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